Wednesday 27 November 2013

Activity 2. Electrical Components & Functions

Stores electric charge and is mainly used with resistors in timing circuits. Acts as a filter by passing AC and blocks DC.
Able to cut the flow of electricity
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
Change the brightness of alight in different weather conditions
Lamp Holder
To hold the lamp bulb in its place and connect it to the circuit easily
Multimeter cable
Connects the components of the circuit to a multimeter
Light Bulb
Turns electricity into visible illumination
To test whether the circuit is working in which it will illuminate
Electrical wire
To connect to components of a circuit together
Magnetic Coil
To actuate relays (weak current closes contact for strong current circuit)
To contain the flow of electric current in an electronic circuit.
Circuit Board
For routing power to a direct place based on activity.
Power Supply
Supply an electrical circuit with electrical power
U Magnet
To compensate for the very weak strength of bar magnet  
Showing the direction of magnetic north and the bearings of it
To measure electrical current in wires. To measure the change in current.
To measure electric current
Used to operate lighting and accessory systems.
Used to measure different electrical related things (multi functional)
Variable Resistor
To provide variable resistances circuitry
Resistance Coil
To resist changes in electric current passing through it

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